VOL 1 NO 3
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Iguodala-Cole Hope I.
The importance of emotional intelligence skills in the work place: A sociological perspective. DOWNLOAD
Akinyemi Akeem A.
Transnational migration in Africa: Experiences of Nigerian migrants in South Africa. DOWNLOAD
Apeloko O. D; Akinola A. E
The legitimization of Corruption: Analysing Public Perception of Police Extortion and Bribery among NURTW Members in Southwestern Nigeria. DOWNLOAD
Joseph Kum Asan
Health security and the concept of new, emerging and reemerging infectious diseases in Nigeria: Understanding health strategic management. DOWNLOAD
David T. B; Myom Terkura.
Information and communication technology (ICT) education: a means for promoting peace and security in Nigerian higher institutions of Learning. DOWNLOAD
Baridisi Hope Isaac
Empty categories in Gokana syntax: A government-binding analysis. DOWNLOAD
Terwase T. Dzeka
African universities and the society: Diagnosis of an indigenous utilitarian hiatus responsible for African underdevelopment. DOWNLOAD
Joseph Kum Asan
Examining the cross-cultural differences that affect longevity globally and strategies that will enhance longevity in Nigeria. DOWNLOAD
Alfred Eboh; Steve Metiboba
Econometric analysis of health care expenditure and access to Diphtheria Immunisation as predictors of under-five mortality rate in selected African countries. DOWNLOAD
Helen Ajibike Fatoye
The Implications of healthcare expenditure on maternal mortality rate in Nigeria. DOWNLOAD
Obiorah J. C; Hussaini T. H; Ababukar A.
Effect of the annual performance evaluation report on the performance of employees in the national emergency management agency 2014-2018. DOWNLOAD
Gregory E. O; Alex O.
Information and communication technology (ICT) and the preservation of African indigenous knowledge: A
philosophical appraisal. DOWNLOAD
philosophical appraisal. DOWNLOAD